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Comitted to DE&I

It is Our Job to help you succeed

Diversity Equity & Inclusion

Our obligation

At Alexander McCade, we are committed to fostering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) in all aspects of our business. We believe that a diverse workforce is essential for the success of any business and we are committed to providing equal opportunities for all candidates and employees.


We recognize that diversity takes many forms, including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, religion and physical abilities.


Our DE&I initiatives include:


  1. Increasing diversity in candidate pools by actively seeking out qualified candidates from underrepresented groups.

  2. Providing training and education for our recruiters and staff to help them understand the importance of DE&I and how to implement it in our recruitment process.

  3. Reviewing and updating our recruitment process to ensure fairness and equity for all candidates.

  4. Encouraging our clients to adopt DE&I best practices in their hiring process.

  5. Partnering with community organizations that support diversity and inclusion.

  6. Regularly reviewing and measuring our progress towards our DE&I goals.


We understand that DE&I is an ongoing process and we are committed to continuously improving our efforts in this area. We welcome feedback from our clients, candidates, and employees on how we can improve our DE&I initiatives.

We are committed to creating a workplace that is inclusive and respectful of all individuals, and we strive to reflect the diversity of the communities in which we operate.

Any questions or thoughts?

We are always happy to help out!

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